In a message dated 1/23/2005 11:20:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
And I took Bailey to three vets, all
three said I should euthanize him because he would die by the time he
was 3 months old, and they were serious.  Thank God I knew better and
didn't follow their advice, but how many cats die because people think
their vet is all knowing and follow their advice.  All I'm saying is we
are all humans, and there is not one human alive today that hasn't been
wrong, or made a mistake in their life, so take anything anybody tells
you with a grain of salt, and use your own life experience to guide you
if you think something doesn't sound right.
I totally agree with you on this issue. I have had cats that were negative live with the postives they have never gotten sick.
Smokey is an example of it. He isn't dying because of Felv or's old age and he is worned out. Believe me he has seen his share of kitties come and go.
Yes, he is still here at the moment. I thank you all for your kindness and nice thoughts for him.

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