I caught another cat today.
I was trying to trap the mother of my foster kittens, as I saw her outside about a week ago. I thought that with this snowy and cold weather, it might be a good time to try to trap her, as she might be more likely to go for the warm food.
So, I put some food in a humane trap and set it out on my terrace, where there were some paw prints. Unfortunately, it turns out the paws that made the prints belong to an adorable little tabby and white kitten, probably the sibling to my black and white kitten we caught a few weeks ago, maybe four months old. Very similar markings, pink noses, white paws, similar size. Which means also likely FeLV positive.
No! This is the wrong cat! I don't have a plan for this cat! So now I am forced to answer my own question, would I voluntarily put myself through this again. I wish I hadn't looked at the cat, I wish I had kept the trap covered.
Oh dear. I'm too tired for this.
Melissa in NJ

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