Title: Message
A quick Q---Levi's problem is anemia, and all he will eat is sour cream.
Is there anything I could hide in sour cream that will help the anemia?
Pet Tinic? Hi Vite? I've never used either.....
Thanks in advance everyone. kerry
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 2:44 AM
To: felvtalk@vlists.net
Subject: Re: Update on Leeloo

The bloodwork would tell you if the anemia is nonregenerative or not. 
It has a lot of nutrients and she can lap at it like water.  You could also mix some nutracal with it watered down so it would be easier for her to take.

Steve Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I took Leeloo to the vet yesterday and was prepared (well, not quite) to let
her go, but was assured she wasn't in pain, so I continue. She had just
gone down hill so quickly. It seemed as soon as a wrote an email to the
list, she got even weaker.

Just as some of you suggested, Leeloo was severely anemic. I told the doc I
had been (trying) to syringe food and water, mostly water and explained that
she fought it and got so out of breath from even the small syringed amount I
gave her. He explained that the anemia was not letting oxygen get
distributed through the body via the blood, so she was out of breath by even
the smallest amount of exertion. He suggested I give here only a few drops
of water, then wait, and repeat very very often. This worked SO MUCH
better--I was feeling so bad at the struggle and exertion she was going
through. I ! was so clueless about anemia and this little bit of info was so
helpful to know. Her temp was also very low. The vet also gave me NutriCal
to feed her.

This morning, she actually will drink some water! This hasn't happened in
about three days on her own. However, after a few laps of water, she goes
into heavy breathing for 10 or 15 seconds. I wait, offer her the water
again after a bit, and she drinks a little bit more. I also tried a very
tiny amount of baby food, and she did lap at it! But once again, after a
few laps... heavy breathing. I mixed a tiny bit of NutriCal in with the
baby food and she ate the tiny bit, mostly off my finger. She pees, so her
liver is still working, though sometimes pees on were she is lying. I have
a nest built for her. I have a hot pad with a blanket on top formed into a
nest, then a towel on top. I change the towel whenever she pees on it.
Sometimes I time it right and carry her to the cat box and she will
sometimes pee.

I'm thinking at this point, I can give her enough water on constant vigil.
Thank you very very much Sally from San Jose for offering to help with SubQ
fluids, but I think I can do the water successfully as I am able to be with
Leeloo all day long every day. I may call upon you yet for help (Sally
lives probably 40 minutes away from me).
So much for the water, but I feel giving Leeloo enough food may be a problem
without over-taxing her system. I will try carefully and see what I can do.

We have been having some beautiful warm sunny days here in the Santa Cruz,
California area. Two days ago, I opened the door onto the deck and
surprisingly Leeloo hopped out. She immediately started licking the wood
deck (she couldn't hop out to the deck now though). I have been reading the
Simon and Levi emails where Pica was mentioned... yet another confirmation
of anemia.

I asked the vet about getting blood work a! nd he said I would have to go
elsewhere to do it! He is a mobile vet and is very inexpensive and has
other facilities where is does surgeries, spades/neuters. But, I guess you
have to be affiliated with veterinarian hospital facilities? Anyway, I get
the feeling if go down that road, things start to get very expensive. She
has anemia, what else would the blood work tell me?

Sally and others mentioned giving PetTinic or HiVite drops which have iron
B vitamins. How do I get this? Vet or store? Antibiotics won't do
anything for anemia, right?

The hind leg problem is in the background. The vet did check again and said
that he does find something wrong. Whether she injured it then went into
anemia because of the FELV and stress from injury, or the leg was a symptom
of some other virus is of no matter at this point.

Thanks everyone for all your support. Looks like I got carried away with
this long rambling update.


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