I am down to two of my original five black FeLV positive cats. They are 9 months old. They are sweet, though I am sure in a new situation they will be a bit skittish. At this point, I don't think they can be separated; after Growler became ill and passed away, they now are wary of being removed from the room and seem to be a little scared of being left alone. Even if I am just outside the door with one, the other will cry. I don't think it's humane to separate them at this point.
They are good with my dogs. If someone could take this pair, then I could keep the little feral one that just arrived and try to rehab it (it appears to be the sibling of the little black and white one I caught). Conversely, if someone is interested in a rehab project, I have a little tiger and white four month old recently trapped cat (feLV status as yet unknown). I cannot keep them both, and the little feral is in danger of being put down.
I figure it is easier to adopt out the bonded pair because they are in good shape, and used to being handled--they are a maintenance and TLC, not a rehab, project. They are also already spayed and neutered and up to date on vaccinations.
If anyone has any leads, please let me know. I am in NJ, but these guys could be flown to a new home if it was the right home. I am going to check with Joy to see if she would consider taking them as a pair, since she has their sister Dijon, but I do not want to overburden them as I know that they are full.
Thanks guys,
Melissa in NJ
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