Sometimes covering their eyes with your hand works to get them in the 
carrier - if you haven't already tried that.


----- Original Message -----
Date: Monday, January 24, 2005 4:19 pm
Subject: RE: Kerry, how is Levi today?

> It is virtually impossible for me to get BB in carrier so vet gave 
> me some
> pills, ?ace? something or other?I give him ½ a pill about 3 yours 
> before &
> put the carrier on the bed where he generally sleeps?I think that 
> becausethe pill makes him a little groggy & he curls up inside the 
> carrier & falls
> asleep.  The doseage is never enough to knock him out or anything, 
> just sort
> of mellows him out to get more hands on for things he doesn?t like 
> to do
> (like the carrier?which of course, he knows means the vet!).  
> Maybe you can
> ask your vet about it?.  I can look up the name & doseage if it 
> will help?
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf
> Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 12:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Kerry, how is Levi today?
> On the basis of your very helpful and specific email Michelle I've 
> made an
> apptment on Wed morning with the best doctor I've found so far for my
> ferals.  I'm going to take the blood report that the housecall vet 
> faxed and
> your email with me. 
> I just hope I can get him into the carrier, and without too much 
> stress. (I
> guess if he is feisty tho, then that's a good sign.)
> The housecall vet did mention steroids when pressed by me, but she 
> addedthey take 6-8 weeks to kick in?
> Is that correct? 
> I wish I had a tape of our conversation. So much of it is over my 
> head. It
> feels like wading thru glue sometimes, just to get a clear picture 
> of what's
> possible/viable.
> Kerry
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 10:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Kerry, how is Levi today?
> Kerry,
>     First, in terms of the sour cream-- Simon went a few days 
> where that
> was basically all her ate too, so I would not worry about that.  
> It's very
> fatty, if it is whole milk sour cream, which is good. The most 
> importantthing short-term, I think, is getting calories into him.
>    In terms of his anemia and how bad he feels... is there any 
> way to get
> him a diagnosis?  Sue on this list said that her cat had anemia 
> from teh
> FeLV and depomedrol (steroid) shots completely resolved it.  The 
> anemia was
> from her cat killing her own red blood cells, and the depomedrol 
> stoppedthat.  If the anemia is from lymphoma, then steroids, or 
> chemo if you are up
> to it, can also help enormously.  Simon's hematocrit was down that 
> low for a
> while, and still could be though I think he looks pinker now and is
> definitely more energetic.  If it is from hemobartenella (sp?) then
> antibiotics could completely resolve it. If it has anything to do 
> with his
> kidneys, Procrit or Epogen could help.  There is also the chance, 
> of course,
> that nothing can be done and it is just degenerative from the 
> FeLV, but it
> is impossible to know this based on the information you currently 
> have from
> your vet.  If he is feral, then I know that makes any diagnosis or 
> treatmentchallenging, but if it is possible to get more 
> information from your vet or
> another (did the vet check for hemobartanella? is lymphoma 
> possible? is it
> possible he is killing his own rbc's?)  If it really seems like he is
> plummeting, and especially if you are considering euthanasia, I 
> would highly
> recommend you try a steroid shot or two first to see if they help. 
> I would
> give a dexamethasone shot, which is fast-acting, along with a 
> longer-acting
> and slower-to-set-in shot of Depomedrol.  I think it is the 
> combination of
> these shots that brought Simon back, at least temporarily, from the
> Precipice.
> Take care, 
> Michelle
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