Why are you giving Lucy SQ fluids? Is she dehydrated, or do they want to flush her system? I hate seeing blood! Is the Prednisone for inflammation? The absence of crystals seems like a good thing. It's always disturbing when there isn't a clear diagnosis. I'm sure Lucy is going to be fine. You caught this quickly and it sounds like your vet is being pretty aggressive in his treatment protocol.


Well, I took Lucy in. She peed on the cushion in her carrier, with blood in it. They were not able to get a needle sample, and did not even try, because her bladder was so small. The vet scraped a slide of urine off the cushion and looked at it under the microscope and said he saw bacteria and red blood cells but no crystals. He seemed perplexed that the Baytril had not worked yet, and switched her to Clavamox and told me to add 5 mg pred and 100 cc of sub q fluids for 3 days. He felt her and could not feel any tumors, but said tumors can sometimes be diffuse on the inside of the bladder wall, but said he feels fairly certain this is just a UTI given how good she looks otherwise and the fact that she had gained weight since her last visit. Please keep your fingers crossed!

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