In my instances, the anemia has snuck up on us.  Anytime I take mine in I have them go ahead and do the bloodwork and compare it to the last bloodwork.  That's a good double check and sometimes helps keep from having to go back right away.
That's just my experience.

Jill Poe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can you all tell me about your FeLV+ anemia
experiences? Did you find out they were anemic via
vet tests? Were there physical symptoms you noticed

Gary has been doing well but last week slowly stopped
eating (less and less then none) and then became VERY
lethargic and the night before she went to the vet,
she seemed to not be able to walk at all.

The vet said she had a fever, she had sub-q fluids and
a fever reducer (injection, I think) and we gave her a
sponge bath at home (didn't think of the alcohol on
her pads and ears - I'll remember that!). She also
went back on antibiotics (not sure which - my b/f has
been administering them. It's the pink liquid).

We force fed her KMR with B-12 and I think that plus
the fever reducer made her feel better enough to start
eating on her own. She has since completed her
antibiotics. However, she is still sleeping more than
usual, but she is not lethargic. She is playing and
walking okay but eating about half as much as before.
I THINK her nose looks paler than usual but her gums
are mostly black (instead of pink) so it's hard to
tell from them if they are pale. Her tongue seems
normal pink.

I'm just wondering if it's a matter of time before
she'll get infectious anemia and what the
signs/symptoms are. I'm sure our vet would have said
something if they thought she was anemic, although I
know they didn't do a blood test for anything. Vet
knows alot about FeLV but maybe she didn't check for
anemia at all.

Since she's doing *better*, we don't want to take her
back to the vet but I'd feel better if she were eating
like she used to. I'm going to make her a liver shake
this weekend to see if she likes that. Also, she had
only lost a few ounces since her last visit. She's dofor another complete CBC in March/April.


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