Title: Message
Hey Guys!
I just wanted to metion a great canned cat food that I stumbled upon while I was in D.C. for a few weeks!  There is a chain of grocery stores (kinda like a "Whole Foods" or "Central Market") called Trader Joe's...unfortunately, the stores can only be found in about 15-20 states (none here in Texas... :(   ), but if you're lucky enough to have one nearby, they've got a great canned cat food (tuna seems to be the best) whose ingredients are on par with those found in Innova, California Natural, etc. BUT Trader Joe's food costs about half as much!  I picked up just 3 cans of the tuna (shoulda gotten more!) at only $0.45 a can!
Oh!  And Trader Joe's *human* food is pretty excellent as well...AND inexpensive!  :)
But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.
To me, you will be unique in all the world...
To you, I shall be unique in all the world...
You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed...
-Antoine de Saint Exupery

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