On 22/06/15 14:11, Derek Buitenhuis wrote:
On 6/21/2015 8:04 PM, Mariusz Szczepańczyk wrote:
Anyway, this is a part of my GSoC task that has been accepted and I'm
compelled to implement it so I won't be getting into further discussion.

Let's just say a large portion of the community didn't and don't think
this idea has any place in libav* in the first place, but were ignored,
or our complaints pushed aside.

- Derek

Thank you for clarification. I understand there are people who are not happy with additions like this. However, there are also people who think these changes are needed and trying to stop them just because "we don't want this here" or worse, making fun of their work is not the way to go to be honest.

I don't really know how/when this conflict started or have your complaints been answered or not but it seems to me there are some of you who are really frustrated with the direction ffmpeg have taken.

So why don't you propose something constructive, e.g. partition into distinct libraries so muxing/demuxing code is not getting "spoiled"? There must be some kind of solution everyone can agree with.


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