On Sun, 28 Jun 2015 14:10:48 +0000
Paul B Mahol <one...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here I ask for samples which show that one is better than another,
> whichever that one is.

ffmpeg -f asf_o -i
http://samples.ffmpeg.org/A-codecs/VoxWare/vamps_sample.asf [http @
031c0a80] HTTP error 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable Last message
repeated 29 times

[http @ 031c0aa0] HTTP error 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
    Last message repeated 405 times
ctrl+c here.
and going and going and going, not sure if it will ever stop. works
with default demuxer.

all samples from http source cause this issue. this does not occur with
default asf demuxer. probe takes longer?

will test more in a second.

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