Bazza <lamia <at>> writes:

> The simple command 
> 'ffmpeg -i inter.dts -ac 2 -ab 320k out.mp3',
> for an MP3 file, will produce this result. 
> Plainly distorted. -)

You told that and John told us.
I did neither deny it nor asked for another 
example for the same comamnd line.
When I originally asked for testing I had 
not yet completely understood what FFmpeg 
does internally (sorry!). I did now and 
the question now is: Is the issue 
reproducible with:
$ ffmpeg -i inter.dts -ac 2 -acodec pcm_f32le outf.wav
If not, what about the following?
$ lame outf.wav

If there is also a bug in the ac3 encoder, 
it will need additional testing.

Carl Eugen

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