> To: ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg.org
> From: ceho...@ag.or.at
> Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 08:48:32 +0000
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-user] Input 5.1 DTS, output 2.0 MP3: Atrocious Quality
> John L <orionfyre <at> hotmail.com> writes:
> > > Please test the following:
> > > $ ffmpeg -i inter.dts -rematrix_maxval 1.0 -ac 2 out.ac3
> > > $ ffmpeg -i inter.dts -rematrix_maxval 1.0 -ac 2 out.mp3
> > > $ ffmpeg -i inter.dts -rematrix_maxval 1.0 -ac 2 
> > > -acodec pcm_f32le out.wav
> > 
> > I ran all three as requested, including '-loglevel debug'. 
> > All three resulting files resulted in poor quality audio 
> > as before.
> Now we are there;-)
> Hendrik says the option fixes audio for him, you 
> report it does not fix the issue...
> Carl Eugen

I reviewed my work on this section and I was wrong; this does in fact work and 
solve the issue i was originally having. Perhaps I had my file browser pointed 
at the wrong working folder...?

Thanks all, especially you Carl.
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