On Fri, Dec 25, 2015, at 09:26 PM, Rajasekhar Reddy wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the following command to overlay an image on video, i am
> successful in making it.
> "ffmpeg -i " + video_path + " -i " + final_output_resized_image_path +
> " -preset ultrafast -strict -2 -filter_complex overlay=x=" + XX +
> ":y=" + YY + ":enable='between(t," + (min_seek/1000) + "," +
> (max_seek/1000) + ")' " + "/storage/emulated/0/video/" +
> "outputxy.mp4"

You need to provide a normal, unscripted command and the complete
console output.
> I found an issue with the file size which results in   output video
> sizes 13.82 MB as input video sizes 4.53 MB, image size is 10.81 KB.

A change in file size can be the result of many factors.

> How to reduce the output video file size after overlay conversion using

Not possible to answer without the complete console output.
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