On Wed, Jan 06, 2016 at 11:10:43 +0000, Liran Sharoni wrote:
> Command :
> start /B /HIGH  C:\LMY\Code\sandisk\FFMPG\ffmpeg.exe -i 
> "C:\Users\23547\Desktop\APD_bug_support\1\screen-recording_20151027-111627-vfr2.mp4"
>  -vsync 0 -qscale:v 2 -copytb 1 -f image2 -vf showinfo -s 324x576  
> "C:\Users\23547\Desktop\APD_bug_support\1\screen-recording_20151027-111627-vfr\fullFormat\file%07d.jpg"
>  2> 
> "C:\Users\23547\Desktop\APD_bug_support\1\screen-recording_20151027-111627-vfr2_TS.txt"

That command line has nothing whatsoever to do with the command line
and question you originally posted (and quoted in this email):

> > "ffmpeg -i " + video_path + " -i " + final_output_resized_image_path + 
> > " -preset ultrafast -strict -2 -filter_complex overlay=x=" + XX + 
> > ":y=" + YY + ":enable='between(t," + (min_seek/1000) + "," +
> > (max_seek/1000) + ")' " + "/storage/emulated/0/video/" + 
> > "outputxy.mp4"

> > I found an issue with the file size which results in   output video
> > sizes 13.82 MB as input video sizes 4.53 MB, image size is 10.81 KB.

> > How to reduce the output video file size after overlay conversion 
> > using FFMPEG.

Neither with the other command line you mentioned:

> ffmpeg -i /storage/emulated/0/video/nsm.mp4 -i
> /storage/emulated/0/saved_
> images/scaled_image_176_287.png -preset ultrafast -strict -2
> -filter_complex overlay=x=550:y=380:enable='between(t,3,14)'
> /storage/emulated/0/video/outputxy550_380.mp4

So, what is your question regarding this new command???

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