2016-02-04 14:49 GMT+02:00 Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>:

> Am 04.02.2016 um 13:45 schrieb Roman:
>> that below is the perfect example how shitty your mailing style is
>>> nobody is any longer able to guess who said what in what context
>>> I understand your frustration, but please, try to stay calm. I'm not a PC
>> beginner, I've got really about 12 years of technical experience in *nix
>> and networking world and some years is OSCs
> one reason more to learn handle a mail-client :-)

It's just Gmail's web-interface a bit messed up. When I insert my comments
directly into the quoted e-mail, it seems to be working. When I just cut
and paste the quoted part, it won't. Well, now it seems like OK.

> and there are only few of them,
>> that really want people stop top-posting, but never understood why. So I'm
>> really glad I've found some people, who is patient enough to explain me
>> why, and as you can see from my posts, I even try to adopt myself for
>> this,
>> while I could just behave like selfish dude and tell everyone to fuck off
>> and stop being full of bullshit.
> yes you can, but don't forget you want help from people on the list and
> not the other direction....

The truth is yours, but the lists consist of much more people that those
who is being upset because of top-posting. So one of my initial offers
would take some place here to: just ignore each other rather than insist. I

> Well, back to the topic... Is it better now? Do you guys see those first
>> two lines as quoted and my reply at the bottom?
> yes and you will also see a hirarchy on my reply now
> one thing: your quoting missed the "person said on date time" which is
> important for a full context
Thanks. Seems reasonable.  Peace! ;-)

Best regards,
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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