Below is what I plan to submit to trac. I welcome comments and corrections.
What I wrote pretty much goes to the heart of FFmpeg, so I expect push-back.
The more people who confirm what I have written, the better.
The files are over 500 MB. If you want them, ask. But I recommend you modify the script below to process your own 'mother'. My 'mother' was h:\BDMV\STREAM\00305.m2ts.

Towards better trims & concatenations.
-- Mark.

set MOTHER=h:\BDMV\STREAM\00305.m2ts
set SS=-ss 20.062
set TO=-to 34.076
set FILT1=setts=time_base=1/90000
set FILT3=setts=time_base=1/90000:dts=DTS-STARTDTS:pts=PTS-STARTDTS
set VCOPY=-c:v copy
set VCODE=-vf separatefields,setdar=16/9 -c:v libx265 -x265-params crf=18
set ACOPY=-c:a copy -sn -dn
  : The Windows settings above will make sense further down.
  : When this command file is run, the mother: 00305.m2ts, is used to
  : create the mother's clone: 00.mp4, plus 12 sons: 01.mp4..12.mp4.
  : The clone and sons are created at c:\.
  :      THE FILES          HOW MADE            THE SIZES
  : 00305.m2ts (mother)                  679600 packets 15091 MB
  :    00.mp4  (clone)  copy (reference)   4136 packets   136 MB
  :    01.mp4  (son)    '-ss -i' & FILT1   1711 packets    56 MB
  :    02.mp4  (son)    '-ss -i' & FILT2   1711 packets    56 MB
  :    03.mp4  (son)    '-ss -i' & FILT3   1711 packets    56 MB
  :    04.mp4  (son)    '-i -ss' & FILT1   1629 packets    52 MB
  :    05.mp4  (son)    '-i -ss' & FILT2   1629 packets    52 MB
  :    06.mp4  (son)    '-i -ss' & FILT3   1629 packets    52 MB
  : The clone, 00.mp4, is made to enable packet tracing via packet CRCs.
  : 00305.m2ts, N=36 == 00.mp4, N=36   by looking & counting frames.
  : 00.mp4, N=508 == 01.mp4, N=27   by looking & counting frames.
  : 00.mp4, N=508 == 02.mp4, N=27   by looking & counting frames.
  : 00.mp4, N=508 == 03.mp4, N=27   by looking & counting frames.
  : 00.mp4, N=508 == 04.mp4, N=2    by looking & counting frames.
  : 00.mp4, N=508 == 05.mp4, N=2    by looking & counting frames.
  : 00.mp4, N=508 == 06.mp4, N=2    by looking & counting frames.
  : 00.mp4, N=481 == 01.mp4, N=0    481 = 508 - 27.
  : 00.mp4, N=481 == 02.mp4, N=0    481 = 508 - 27.
  : 00.mp4, N=481 == 03.mp4, N=0    481 = 508 - 27.
  : 00.mp4, N=504 == 04.mp4, N=0    504 = 508 - 2.
  : 00.mp4, N=504 == 05.mp4, N=0    504 = 508 - 2.
  : 00.mp4, N=504 == 06.mp4, N=0    504 = 508 - 2.
  : The ffmpeg commands that made the clone and sons are in sections
  : that follow.
  : There are    90000 ticks/sec      FROM time_base.
  : There are 1.001/24  secs/frame == 0.041708[3..] secs/frame.
  : There are 90090/24 ticks/frame == 3753.75 ticks/frame.
  : That's tricky because at this point, FFmpeg tools are untrusted.
  : Timming accuracy is crucial for follow-on concatenations.
  : Using MPV, a 0:20.062 trim time is found. The starting PTS is
  : therefore approximately 1805580 ticks. But what is it, exactly?
  : That depends on how MPV handles numbers.
  : If MPV truncates, the actual trim time and PTS are in the range
  :     20.062[0..]..20.062[9..]        1805580.[0..]..1805669.[9..].
  : If MPV rounds, the actual trim time and PTS are in the range
  :    20.0615[0..]..20.0624[9..]       1805535.[0..]..1805624.[9..].
  : The only clone PTS in a range above is 1805553 -- so MPV rounds.
  : The trim point is therefore 1805553 ticks, exactly.
  : To the best of my knowledge, there's a small private data area in
  :  every packet. Use it to record the source's packet number into the
  :  target's packet. That would make packet tracing a lot surer.
  : Change '-showinfo' to report real PTSs, not ticks from a starting
  :  PTS that often doesn't actually exist. Bogus 'PTS's are confusing.
  : Add frame numbers to '-framecrc'.
  : Change CRCs to cover only payloads, not whole packets.
  : Find a way to differentiate silent audio packets, one from another.
  :  (Note that the first suggestion would accomplish it.)
  : Change the default audio packet time_base to be the video packet
  :  time_base. Better yet, always use the same time_base. That's usual.
  : If the trim frame is preceded by audio, then automatically include
  :  the preceding audio packet; the preceding one, only, not more.


ffmpeg -to 35.118 -i %MOTHER% -map 0 -c copy -sn -dn 00.mp4
  : Creating the mother's clone. The '-framecrc' below is the clone.
  : ======================== PACKETS 0..2352 =========================
  :   -3754,       0,  3753,   640654, 0x07c81f9c   N=0
  :       0,    7507,  3753,   640652, 0xfd25cfb3   N=2
  :                      4 audio packets
  :    3753,    3753,  3753,   640652, 0xe3dec43b   N=1
  :                      skip 2346 packets (477 video, 1869 audio)
  : ======================= PACKETS 2353..2470 =======================
  : 1798046, 1805553,  3753,   640654, 0xb9811068   N=481 - I
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1801800, 1801800,  3753,   640652, 0xbf9ad2d1   N=480 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1805553, 1813061,  3753,   640652, 0x8f98895e   N=483 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1809307, 1809307,  3753,   640652, 0x37eabd4d   N=482 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1813061, 1820568,  3753,   640652, 0x343fcc78   N=485 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1816815, 1816815,  3753,   547001, 0x82084c9d   N=484 - B
  :                      skip 92 packets (18 video & 74 audio)
  : ========================= PACKETS 2471.. =========================
  : 1888136, 1899397,  3753,   165207, 0xf6eff731   N=506 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1891890, 1891890,  3753,    98707, 0xab3c7d53   N=504 - I
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1895643, 1895643,  3753,   126456, 0x7ba20402   N=505 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1899397, 1906905,  3753,    97517, 0x44a0ecca   N=508 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1903151, 1903151,  3753,   124870, 0x9ad00c5a   N=507 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1906905, 1914412,  3753,   150721, 0x9e12de9c   N=510 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1910658, 1910658,  3753,   118479, 0x32746f50   N=509 - B

  : Now it's simply a matter of making the sons and correlating the CRCs.

ffmpeg %SS% %TO% -i %MOTHER% -map 0 -bsf:v %FILT1% -bsf:a %FILT1% %VCOPY% 
%ACOPY% 01.mp4
  : MPV says 0:00.084..0:14.635 @ 23.976fps
  :                   +------------------+
  :  -29600,  -29600, ¦ 47 audio packets ¦
  :                   +-----[error1]-----+        IN 00.mp4  HERE
  :  -11261,  -11261,  3754,   640654, 0xb9811068   N=481    N=0 - I
  :                      3 audio packets          +------------------+
  :   -7507,   -7507,  3753,   640652, 0xbf9ad2d1 ¦ N=480    N=1 - B ¦
  :                      4 audio packets          +-----[error2]-----+
  :   -3754,   -3754,  3754,   640652, 0x8f98895e   N=483    N=2 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :       0,       0,  3754,   640652, 0x37eabd4d   N=482    N=3 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  :    3754,    3754,  3754,   640652, 0x343fcc78   N=485    N=4 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :    7508,    7508,  3753,   547001, 0x82084c9d   N=484    N=5 - B
  :          +-------------------------+
  :   frames ¦ 481     482 483 484 485 ¦
  :     play ¦ 481 480 483 482 485 484 ¦
  :          ¦ I   B   P   B   P   B   ¦
  :          +--------[error3]---------+      +-------------------------+
  : '-show_streams': Video time_base=1/90000, ¦ Audio time_base=1/48000 ¦
  :                                           +--------[error4]---------+
  : [error1] 47 audio packets 'appeared' that shouldn't be there.
  : [error2] Frame N=480 should have been trimmed off.
  : [error3] The frames are in the wrong order -- PTS errors.
  : [error4] The audio time_base should be 1/90000.

ffmpeg %SS% %TO% -i %MOTHER% -map 0 -bsf:v %FILT2% -bsf:a %FILT2% %VCOPY% 
%ACOPY% 02.mp4
  : MPV says 0:00.083..0:14.635 @ 23.976fps
  :                                               IN 00.mp4  HERE
  :     -37,    7470,  3753,   640654, 0xb9811068   N=481    N=1 - I
  :                      4 audio packets          +------------------+
  :    3717,    3717,  3753,   640652, 0xbf9ad2d1 ¦ N=480    N=0 - B ¦
  :                      4 audio packets          +-----[error1]-----+
  :    7470,   14978,  3753,   640652, 0x8f98895e   N=483    N=3 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   11224,   11224,  3753,   640652, 0x37eabd4d   N=482    N=2 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   14978,   22485,  3753,   640652, 0x343fcc78   N=485    N=5 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   18732,   18732,  3753,   547001, 0x82084c9d   N=484    N=4 - B
  :                                           +-------------------------+
  : '-show_streams': Video time_base=1/90000, ¦ Audio time_base=1/48000 ¦
  :                                           +--------[error2]---------+
  : [error1] Frame N=480 should have been trimmed off.
  : [error2] The audio time_base should be 1/90000.

ffmpeg %SS% %TO% -i %MOTHER% -map 0 -bsf:v %FILT3% -bsf:a %FILT3% %VCOPY% 
%ACOPY% 03.mp4
  : MPV says 0:00.083..0:14.635 @ 23.976fps
  :                                               IN 00.mp4  HERE
  :     -37,    7470,  3753,   640654, 0xb9811068   N=481    N=1 - I
  :                      4 audio packets          +------------------+
  :    3717,    3717,  3753,   640652, 0xbf9ad2d1 ¦ N=480    N=0 - B ¦
  :                      4 audio packets          +-----[error1]-----+
  :    7470,   14978,  3753,   640652, 0x8f98895e   N=483    N=3 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   11224,   11224,  3753,   640652, 0x37eabd4d   N=482    N=2 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   14978,   22485,  3753,   640652, 0x343fcc78   N=485    N=5 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   18732,   18732,  3753,   547001, 0x82084c9d   N=484    N=4 - B
  :                                           +-------------------------+
  : '-show_streams': Video time_base=1/90000, ¦ Audio time_base=1/48000 ¦
  :                                           +--------[error2]---------+
  : [error1] Frame N=480 should have been trimmed off.
  : [error2] The audio time_base should be 1/90000.

  : ===== Repeat 01.mp4..03.mp4, except move %SS% to after '-i' =====

ffmpeg %TO% -i %MOTHER% -map 0 %SS% -bsf:v %FILT1% -bsf:a %FILT1% %VCOPY% 
%ACOPY% 04.mp4
  : MPV says 0:00.917..0:14.016 @ 23.976fps      +---------------+
  :                   +------------------+       ¦  N=481..N=503 ¦
  :      96,      96, ¦ 86 audio packets ¦       +---[error1]----+
  :                   +-----[error2]-----+        IN 00.mp4  HERE
  :   82530,   82530,  3754,   165207, 0xf6eff731   N=506    N=0 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   86284,   86284,  3753,    98707, 0xab3c7d53   N=504    N=1 - I
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   90037,   90037,  3754,   126456, 0x7ba20402   N=505    N=2 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   93791,   93791,  3754,    97517, 0x44a0ecca   N=508    N=3 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   97545,   97545,  3754,   124870, 0x9ad00c5a   N=507    N=4 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  :  101299,  101299,  3753,   150721, 0x9e12de9c   N=510    N=5 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :  105052,  105052,  3754,   118479, 0x32746f50   N=509    N=6 - B
  :          +-----------------------------+
  :   frames ¦ 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 ¦
  :     play ¦ 506 504 505 508 507 510 509 ¦
  :          ¦ P   I   B   P   B   P   B   ¦
  :          +----------[error3]-----------+  +-------------------------+
  : '-show_streams': Video time_base=1/90000, ¦ Audio time_base=1/48000 ¦
  :                                           +--------[error4]---------+
  : [error1] The correct trim frame, N=481, was missed by 23 frames.
  : [error2] 86 audio packets 'appeared' that shouldn't be there [note].
  : [error3] The frames are in the wrong order -- PTS errors [note].
  : [error4] The audio time_base should be 1/90000.
  : [note] Does [error1] explain away [error2] & [error3]? I think not.

ffmpeg %TO% -i %MOTHER% -map 0 %SS% -bsf:v %FILT2% -bsf:a %FILT2% %VCOPY% 
%ACOPY% 05.mp4
  : MPV says 0:00.125..0:14.016 @ 23.976fps      +---------------+
  :                                              ¦  N=481..N=503 ¦
  :                                              +---[error1]----+
  :                                               IN 00.mp4  HERE
  : 1888136, 1899397,  3753,   165207, 0xf6eff731   N=506    N=2 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1891890, 1891890,  3753,    98707, 0xab3c7d53   N=504    N=0 - I
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1895643, 1895643,  3753,   126456, 0x7ba20402   N=505    N=1 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1899397, 1906905,  3753,    97517, 0x44a0ecca   N=508    N=4 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1903151, 1903151,  3753,   124870, 0x9ad00c5a   N=507    N=3 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1906905, 1914412,  3753,   150721, 0x9e12de9c   N=510    N=6 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  : 1910658, 1910658,  3753,   118479, 0x32746f50   N=509    N=5 - B
  :                                           +-------------------------+
  : '-show_streams': Video time_base=1/90000, ¦ Audio time_base=1/48000 ¦
  :                                           +--------[error2]---------+
  : [error1] The correct trim frame, N=481, was missed by 23 frames.
  : [error2] The audio time_base should be 1/90000.

ffmpeg %TO% -i %MOTHER% -map 0 %SS% -bsf:v %FILT3% -bsf:a %FILT3% %VCOPY% 
%ACOPY% 06.mp4
  : MPV says 0:00.125..0:14.016 @ 23.976fps      +---------------+
  :                                              ¦  N=481..N=503 ¦
  :                                              +---[error1]----+
  :                                               IN 00.mp4  HERE
  :     -11,   11250,  3753,   165207, 0xf6eff731   N=506    N=2 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :    3743,    3743,  3753,    98707, 0xab3c7d53   N=504    N=0 - I
  :                      4 audio packets
  :    7496,    7496,  3753,   126456, 0x7ba20402   N=505    N=1 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   11250,   18758,  3753,    97517, 0x44a0ecca   N=508    N=4 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   15004,   15004,  3753,   124870, 0x9ad00c5a   N=507    N=3 - B
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   18758,   26265,  3753,   150721, 0x9e12de9c   N=510    N=6 - P
  :                      4 audio packets
  :   22511,   22511,  3753,   118479, 0x32746f50   N=509    N=5 - B
  :                                           +-------------------------+
  : '-show_streams': Video time_base=1/90000, ¦ Audio time_base=1/48000 ¦
  :                                           +--------[error2]---------+
  : [error1] The correct trim frame, N=481, was missed by 23 frames.
  : [error2] The audio time_base should be 1/90000.

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