вт, 20 февр. 2024 г., 05:02 amindfv--- via ffmpeg-user <

> On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 08:49:14PM +0100, Paul B Mahol wrote:
> > Best to create minimal reproducible usecase with all required files to
> reproduce it
> By the way, this isn't just for reporting on Trac. For most recipients of
> these messages (i.e. the people subscribed here) to get anything out of
> them, we need something to hold on to.
> For example, "Based on the docs here (link), I'd expect -ss to produce the
> same output whether provided as an input argument or an output argument.
> Here's the command I ran, and here's an example file that produces
> different results."
> Without a reproducer, it's really hard for one's eyes not to glaze over
> (and I say this as someone who's actually taking the time to read emails
> about a stranger not getting the results they wanted from ffmpeg).
> Take the most extreme example:
> Person A: "I ran `ffmpeg -i foo.avi foo.mp4` with ffmpeg version X and it
> crashed."
> Person B: "I tried the same command with version X and didn't see a crash.
> Can you send foo.avi?"
> Person A: "No."

Mark, does any (bluray iso) file form 3d test clips section of Kodi wiki
exhibit same problem at truncation/joining as your main file?

https://kodi.wiki/view/Samples (files on google drive)

> If you could make a real reproducer, you'd get a lot more people looking
> into your problem. Pages and pages of information without a basic
> reproducer is of limited use to most people.
> You've really got to find a way to cut the excess out of your giant file.
> ffmpeg actually provides a lot of ways to chop files up!
> Tom
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