Hi Lea 
I just did my first dyeing experiments with some natural colored soy
silk, and was very pleased with the results.  Noticed that the dye did
not penetrate all the fiber as much as I had thought (painted some
rovings) and will take care next time to pre wet by soaking overnight the
way I do with silk.  Love the color of the natural fiber and had
deliberately planned a color scheme using some plain areas, so it all
worked out just fine.

Now I'm spinning away.  This fiber wants to spin fine and really does
resemble silk, but seems a little easier on my hands (shorter fibers?). 
Using a fat core bobbin on my Louet, crossing the hooks for less take-up.

Ruby, you mentioned a cone of white soy silk yarn - may I ask where you
found that?

Susan in Maine
Goose Pond
Original designs in Christmas ornaments and jewelry

>I have been playing with some Soy Silk.  Has anyone else been trying
>fabulous fiber?  Comments, tips and general discussion very welcome.

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