Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

Thanks Stan for the article in ARRL. I don't know why I never saw it before. 
Enjoyed reading it tonight..

When I worked at the War Room in the Pentagaon after my tour at the White 
House (and a tour in France) I use to talk to Gen LeMay, K4FRA, at night 
on 6 meters. I would load up a window sceen using a matchbox (g) and 
sometimes my mattress.

  -----> http://www.arrl.org/news/features/2005/02/18/1/

Hank Roth - formerly K4EVY and KM4PQ and an op at K4USA and K2USA and W3WTE at 
the White House I taught everyone SSB when it was new (g) We also cranked an 
eldico amplifier up to 3,000 watts and used it on the ham bands...


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