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What Really Happened at Jenin?  No Massacre of Palestinians

    Contrary to the repeated televised charges of Saeb Erakat and other 
Palestinian spokesmen, "hundreds" of Palestinians were not killed. As of 
May 1, there were 54 bodies found in Jenin -- not 500 -- according to 
Israeli military sources. Palestinian officials, on the ground, now verify 
the Israeli numbers: Mousa Kadoura, director of Yasser Arafat's Fatah 
organization for the northern West Bank, claims 56 Palestinians died in 
Jenin (Washington Times, May 1, 2002). Foreign Minister Shimon Peres has 
stated that only seven civilian casualties have been identified (Israel 
Foreign Ministry Press Release, April 20, 2002). These limited Palestinian 
casualties were due to the fact that Israel did not employ massive air 
strikes or artillery barrages in Jenin, but rather sent its vulnerable 
ground forces to engage in house-to-house combat. As a result, Israel lost 
23 soldiers in the battle. Essentially, Israeli soldiers lost their lives 
in order to keep the collateral deaths of Palestinian civilians to a 

This article is located at: http://pnews.org/ArT/BusH/JENin.shtml


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