Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
Sharon's Fixation
"...By the early 1950's terrorism had become more than a disturbing
phenomenon, it had become an instrument of Arab policy. The
fedayeen--Palestinian terror squads--by that time had been co-ordinated by
the Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence services. Sometimes they would
cross the border form Gaza or Jordanian-held territory at night, carry out
their attacks, and return. Other times they would penetrate far inside the
country at night, hide during the day, then perform their actions early
the next night before making their way back. In this way they could
operate twenty miles or more from the border. Even more far-reaching were
the squads that crisscrossed the country from Gaza to Jordan and back,
hitting anywhere they wanted inside Israel, carrying murder and fear into
every corner of the land. The object of this terror was not simply killing
and destruction, it was the demoralization of the people through the
permanent disruption of normal life. And the tactic was working. One could
see the border settlements losing people, the grenade screens going up on
house windows. Even to drive from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem it was often
necessary to wait until a convoy formed that could be escorted by armed

The Article is Here:  http://www.pnews.org/ArT/ProG/WArr.shtml


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