Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

Why Zionism?

(If you must wonder why so many Jews care about Israel as much as 
they do, read this article. But in a sentence, there are 6,000,000 reasons 
why...)Why Zionism? - Because Jews could never really be at home in Europe or
anywhere else in the world except Israel. And that is enough reason by
itself. But if one needs another reason, it is, the Jews never left Israel.
And Zionism is the promise Jews have made to themselves because the world
made that promise an imperative. Israel will be a safe haven for the Jews.
And if Jews need another reason why they must care and support Israel,
there are 6,000,000 of them.

There is a myth that Jews
have no claim to Israel and most Jews today are really inheritors of the
Jewish covenant because they acquired their Jewish identity circuitously by
way of the Khazars. This is another one of those Internet myths which
antisemites, right and Left, love to repeat------even though that is

This article is located at: http://pnews.org/ArT/BusH/WhyZi.shtml


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