Progressive News & Views (since 1982)



With all due respect, most of us on the left are not anti-semitic. Most of 
us, myself included, would defend the right of Jews to follow their own 
religious beliefs just like anyone else.

Most of us, though, vehemently disagree with the State of Israels 
positions against the Palestinians and other Arab neighbors.

Its not a thing against Jewish people. Its a thing against out-of-control 
fascism on the part of those who run the govt of Israel. Most leftists 
dont hate Americans, but we sure have bones to pick with the American 

Im rather upset that, over two weeks ago, I had responded to a posting 
trying to label the Green Party as anti-Semitic because of the GPs stand 
on Israel. I still havent seen that post on your list.

Again, with all due respect, truth is truth. The govt of Israel has 
committed grave human rights violations against non-Jews. Two wrongs do 
not make a right. Its hard to say who started this mess, at least a 
thousand years ago, but its up to all right thinking people to put a stop 
to the strife in the middle east asap. Israel has a right to exist. So do 
the Palestinian people. Theres plenty of land over there to accommodate 
the Two State solution. These continued violations of everyones rights, 
Jewish & Arab, is what is feeding the senseless violence in the region.

Perhaps if the Israelis pulled out of what should be Palestine, and 
started to peacefully trade and coexist with the Palestinians, we might 
see some great strides towards global peace and understanding.



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