Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

They are losing markets everywhere. I wanted them to succeed also but I 
never thought Franken was that funny and Springer is a slime ball and 
always sounds like he is lecturing and I don't consider him a spokesperson
for progressives. Malloy was the most radical but lately has morphed into 
a constant rant and there is a lot of redundancy. It becomes a waste of 
time to even bother listening. I much prefer content and I also appreciate 
some idea what the other side really thinks and how they got there.

There are much better places to look for audio.
I suggest you check two links and do your search there.
You probably know about them, but in case you don't, look at:

http://www.potkast.com/index.php  (the best source for everything)


And I will continue to put up links at
  -- and as resources in the archives.

BUT, personally I will no longer be tuning in to any broadcast I have to 
pay for. If it was that important and they cared enough about the message 
they would get their income from their advertisers and other sources. 
There are also liberals with money who can donate to the cause. If  not, 
don't look to those who need the message and many of them can't afford to 
pay anything -- including me.


> From: Johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You said it all, Air America is behaving like many of the politicians that
> promised to change things and then let us down.
> Thanks for the heads up.


     / o o \
Hank Roth's Place - http://pnews.org/ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (on the InterNUT since 1982)
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