Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

Sarah: There is so much left wing audio you can't listen to it all - but 
you do need a computer and an mp3 player. I guarantee if you did just look 
around you would see that you would never be without whatever you 
want (or need) to listen to while you work or drive.

I am certain that if Air America did not fill the void in those markets, 
if there is proved demand, Clear Channel would find talk show hosts who 
would. I'm certain Mike Malloy would be very happy to get paid to be 
syndicated by Clear Channel (the right wing network which now carries Air 
America in most markets) if they would give him a better time slot than he 
has now -- and pay him a better salary, which compared to Franken is 

Considering the imbalance there now in salaries there are probably 
others who are there now who resent Franken getting almost 2 mil up front 
for the whole year and three mil this year. If you have listended to Mike 
you know he doesn't get anywhere near what others are getting. Neither 
does Seder.

It isn't just their management decisions which put them in trouble - as 
bad as that was. It is also market share and perhaps their type of 
programming and some of their talk show hosts.

The kind of zeal you are looking for will be hard to find. I acknowledge 
that fact. So for you at least, the best alternative might be to buy a 
cheap satellite receiver (they're about $49 now) and pay the $12.95 a 
month - which puts Air America everywhere. But even if Air America goes, 
XM will fill the channel with personalities who challenge the right (and 
maybe there will be a good left talk show host or not?).

But I don't see how criticizing Air America for being stupid is 
undemocratic or counter-productive. Criticism is also a good thing. The 
left needs to be honest with it's own and also needs to be honest 
(generally). An illiberal left is not a left which deserves to survive to 
fight another day.

Thanks for your comments. I hope you take mine in the spirit of friendship 
and concern for where we're going on the left.

With fond regards -


On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, Sarah wrote:

> Stupid question perhaps, but I'd like to hear an answer or answers.
> I live in South Florida and for a long time I longed to turn on the radio in
> the car and hear a lefty station.  I'm sick to my stomach of hearing right
> wingers and fundies all over the radio dial.
> What's more, I don't want to pay for satellite radio, and I don't want to be
> downloading anything to listen to it later.  I just want to turn on the
> frikkin' radio NOW and hear lefties speak.  That's all.  Is that a lot to ask?
> Into this void, along came Air America.  It was funny, it exposed the latest
> right wing crap openly, with no holds barred, it was great, and I could listen
> to it any time I wanted.  Now suddenly they are having financial troubles.
> More importantly, looks like we lefties are now eating our own by attacking 
> the
> only lefty nationwide radio station that can be heard in S. Florida that
> doesn't involve paying satellite radio money or downloading stuff to hear it?
> Why, instead of bashing the only lefty radio station we have, can't we figure
> out how to help them?
> I'd like to point out that the majority of people in the U.S. don't have
> computers and/or are not computer geeks that download MP3 files.  We need a
> real, live, on-air radio station, to counteract the millions of on-air radio
> stations the fascists have.  A lefty radio station has to reach the computer-
> less:  the working poor, seniors, homebound mothers with children, and
> commuters (who want to listen to something, not wait till later to hear it).
> I'd like to hear solutions, to hear if there's anything we can do to ensure we
> don't lose Air America, or find a way that other lefty stations are born.

     / o o \
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