Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

In a message dated 2/5/2006 11:14:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
they  can't
afford to be Rush Limbaugh and charge for downloading (and  incidentally or
not, they are charging the same exact fee that Ruch  charges for a download
of his show

Please don't take this wrong, but most American libs are not as  familiar
with computers as we are.  Most libs in the U.S. don't have  their own 
  Of those that do, I'm not so sure most know how to  download MP3 files.  I
don't.  I'm sure I could learn but I could care  less about it.  I do, however,
listen to a LOT of radio.  Most libs  I'm sure can't afford or won't pay for
satellite radio.  But I'll bet  almost all libs own a radio.

Of the libs I know, I'd say about 30% are seniors.  I can't think of  one lib
senior that downloads MP3s, has a blog, or even knows what a  message board
is.  About 20% of the libs I know, are black.  Of them,  I know one that has a
computer, but even she doesn't do any MP3  downloading.  They do, however,
listen to a lot of radio.  Some  libs I know are Hispanic.  A lot of the
Hispanics I  know have computers, but only a couple download MP3s, and only for 
listening, not to keep up with news.  Focusing only the MP3 problem of Air
America, when the broadcasting part of Air America is having financial
problems,  is like focusing on someone's toe blister, while ignoring that the 
  legs are broken.

We need lib radio stations, with or without MP3s.   Places  anyone can turn
to on the dial and listen to the truth behind this sick,  malevolent



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