Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

In a message dated 2/5/2006 11:15:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,
What we  need is a NEWS network.  News is not left or right...its
factual..  The corporate media distorts and selectively omits any  news
that is unfavorable to the Bush administration.  Latest case in
point.... the WH memo revealing the Bush/Blair plans for war was totally
ignored by the media (except for Keith Olbermann).

We have the  least informed populace of any industrialized nation on the
planet.....that's why Bush was able to get a following...and why so many
are apathetic to the horrors that we face in this  nation.


I agree.  We libs need everything.  However, right wingers began  with radio
stations, remember that?  Radio stations are incredibly  important.  Sure, we
need news stations, we need newspapers, we need TV  stations that broadcast
the truth.  However, we need to start  somewhere.  Right wingers are a scourge
upon our country, but they just  take over everything in one fell swoop.  They
started with radio.   We've got to take things back, and radio reaches the
masses, the working poor,  the poor, ethnic groups, seniors, and many more 
for whom computers is  often a luxury.



     / o o \
Hank Roth's Place - http://pnews.org/ 
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