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I'm not sure who was more of a fool...McAfferey or Walters. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Allen St. Pierre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 3:46 PM
To: NORML Affiliates
Subject: [affiliates] Bush Drug Plan Released -- SAFER mentioned, quoted ;C)

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Subject: Bush Drug Plan Released

Newshawk: Doug McVay http://www.csdp.org/
Pubdate: 08 Feb 2006
Source: Rocky Mountain News
Copyright: 2006 The E.W. Scripps Co.

Bush drug plan released

Gov. Bill Owens and White House drug czar John Walters today released
President Bush's 2006 National Drug Control Strategy at a local treatment

The new strategy will seek a balance between reducing the demand and the
supply of illegal drugs in the U.S.

Bush's anti-drug program will encourage more high schools to drug test
students and urge teens to "live above the influence" of drugs and peer
pressure, Walters said at the Synergy Youth Drug Treatment Center in

Illicit drug use among 8th, 10th and 12th graders has dropped by 19
percent, or about 700,000 teens, since 2001, Walters said.

Since the Supreme Court ruled in 2002 that schools can randomly test high
school students in competitive extracurricular activities, Walter's office
and the Department of Education have provided grants and other support to
at least 350 school districts to screen students.

Walters said the number of districts participating has grown by about one
per week since last spring.

"If we reduce teenage exposure, the problem will be reduced for
generations to come," Walters said. "If you start to use later, theres a
much lower risk of addiction."

Walters also said the 2006 program calls for expanding intervention
programs and increasing treatment options. It also calls for more funding
for drug courts, which can order supervised drug treatment rather than
prison time for drug offenders.

The announcement followed President Bush's release of his 2007 budget
request which includes $57 million in cuts in federal funded alcohol
programs for youth, said Mason Tvert of Safer Alternative For Enjoyable
Recreation or SAFER.

The Colorado-based non-profit educates the public about the harmful
effects of alcohol. SAFER was involved in the Denver ballot initiative
that would have legalized marijuana within city limits. The city said
state and federal laws still ban the substance and SAFER is gathering
signatures for a statewide initiative.

Tvert said Bush's budget would strip $32.4 million from the Alcohol Use
and Reduction Program and slice $24.8 million from the Enforcing Underage
Drinking Laws funding.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

- -----------

Pubdate: 08 Feb 2006
Source: Associated Press
Author: Jon Sarche
Copyright: 2006 AP Wire and wire service sources

White House unveils anti-drug policy

DENVER - The Bush administration on Wednesday unveiled its 2006 anti-drug
program, a campaign that encourages more high schools to screen students
and urges teens to live above the influence of drugs and peer pressure.

Drug use among some teen groups is down, and this year's strategy focuses
on expanding or improving existing campaigns for prevention, treatment and
reducing supplies, said John P. Walters, director of the White House
Office of National Drug Control Policy.

"We're not radically tearing things up because, for the first time in a
couple of decades, we're having dramatic results," he said in an interview
before presenting the strategy at a youth substance-abuse treatment
center. "We want to keep the pressure on."

Illicit drug use among 8th, 10th and 12th graders had dropped by 19
percent, or about 700,000 teens, since 2001, he said.

Since the Supreme Court ruled in 2002 that schools can randomly test high
school students in competitive extracurricular activities, his office and
the Department of Education have provided grants and other support to at
least 350 school districts to screen students.

Walters said the number of districts participating has grown by about one
per week since last spring.

The drug control office says screening can deter teens from starting to
use drugs and can identify teens who have begun to use drugs, providing
parents and counselors a chance to intervene.

Screening can also identify teens who have developed a dependency on drugs
so they can be referred for treatment, the office said.

"If we reduce teenage exposure, the problem will be reduced for
generations to come," Walters said. "If you start to use later, there's a
much lower risk of addiction."

Prescription drug abuse and illicit drug abuse among adults remain
problems, he said.

Walters dismissed claims by critics who said he chose Denver for the
drug-policy announcement because voters last fall legalized possession of
small amounts of marijuana for adults, or because a similar proposal could
be on the statewide ballot in November.

"There's a lot of misinformation, a lot of lying, that goes on in these
campaigns," Walters said. He said more youth seek or are ordered to get
treatment for marijuana use than for alcohol or for all other illicit
drugs combined.

Mason Tvert, director of SAFER, which proposed the Denver marijuana
initiative and is backing the statewide initiative, said the number of
people in treatment programs is up because drug courts and arrests are up.

Tvert's group argues that marijuana is safer than alcohol and should be
taxed and regulated like alcohol.

The White House anti-drug strategy calls for expanding intervention
programs and increasing treatment options, increased funding for drug
courts, which can order supervised drug treatment rather than prison time,
and stepped-up enforcement to halt production and transportation of
illegal drugs.

The president's fiscal 2007 budget request for the agency is $12.7
billion, up $109.1 million, or 1 percent, from the current budget of $12.5
billion, the agency said.


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