Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

I am not going to argue with my comrade from Australia. How could I? Good 
to see you post Chris. It has been a long time. Hope you are well - and 
getting along as well as old guys like us can get along. I miss the old 
days Chris. And of course I agree with you.


On Thu, 9 Feb 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Subject: Israel is obviously an illegal Occupier; but so what?
> As it is unlikely that Palestinians will receive national justice based
> on any "legal" argument, I am not sure what point there is in claiming
> Israel legally (or illegally) occupies anything.  Israel's only claim is
> based on war, and on recognition by a significant number of world
> powers.  Once this recognition by other World powers dissipates - the
> recognition of Israel also dissipates - and so does any legal basis.
> We have to recognise that many nations have been established by
> "illegal" occupation.  Australia was illegally settled by the British,
> areas of United States were taken illegally.  Possibly too, the British
> occupation of Palestine was "illegal".
> Hank also claims a philosophical right for Israel.  This suggests to me
> that he has some doubts about the finality or completeness of any legal
> claim.  Legal claims never solve anything - they just represent the
> present balance of forces.  The victors write the laws.  For capitalism,
> war makes law.  For socialists peace makes justice.
> Unfortunately, several "peoples" can claim equal philosophical rights to
> bits and pieces of the Middle East.
> Anyway I am no expert or activist in Middle Eastern specifics, I only
> want to make it clear, that given the way the world has developed, very
> few Western powers have a legal right to their "blood-soaked" territory.
> Chris Warren

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] (on the InterNUT since 1982)
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