Rob Geraghty wrote:

> FWIW I was going to buy a SS4000 before I decided on the LS30,
> and the *only* reason I was forced to change my mind was cost. I
> still believe that in it's price bracket, the SS4000 is the best
> scanner I know of on the market.  Unfortunately, we can't all
> afford it.

As a hobbyist, it was more a question of being married to a 
woman who said, "Go ahead, buy it." <g> It helps that she 
likes photography, and that her efforts are looking very good.

We got into digital darkroom work by purchasing the 
Photosmart printer and scanner. That purchase ended 
decades of disappointment with photo labs. It even beat the 
venerable Slideprinter for results.

Still, there were some slides and negatives that brought the 
scanner to its knees. Then I bought the SS4000, based in 
large measure on Tony's review. Using Vuescan 6, I have been 
systematically throwing all my killer slides and negatives at it, 
and for fun, scanning a few with the Photosmart to compare.

These are my own killer images, and they make the 
Photosmart, a decent scanner, look bad. The Polaroid, on the 
other hand, will get almost every bit of information off of a slide 
or negative that I can see with a 10x loupe and a light table.

No scanner is perfect. I often wish for digital ICE, and that the 
thing didn't look like an ugly, black shoe box. High density, 50 
pin SCSI connectors would be nice, and I never have been 
able to get Insight to produce an acceptable scan. Still, I'm 
glad I bought it, and I will hang on to this scanner for quite 
some time.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society

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