Dear Byron,

> >  Trying to speed up the process of post-scanning manipulation I have found no
> image
> >  deterioration then downsampling from 4000 dpi to 3000 dpi in PhotoShop 5.5.
> > I have made the tests on tripod with Velvia and the even better Provia 100F
> using a
> > near-Leica quality lens.
> If downsampled 3000 dpi looks the same as 4000 dpi when viewed at full
> resolution on screen, then your scanner isn't providing any image detail beyond
> 4000 dpi (just extra pixels).   If that is true, your approach is reasonable.

My guess is that you can maybe use 75% of the scanners info. 
So a 4000 dpi scan is a better starting point rather than a 2700 dpi. 

> The jury is out on whether the Polaroid/Microtek really does have higher detail
> than 3000 dpi based on the group scan results.
> Perhaps you can post a crop of a highly detailed section (where you can see
> more detail on the slide than in the scan) and show us the 3000 dpi and 4000
> dpi results. This will tell us if the unit really does have detail above 3000
> dpi.
> Cheers,
> Byron 

Have a look for yourself at the attached image. It is the Kodak Q60E3 to the left and 
a Provia 100F picture to the right. 
The lower chops have been downsampled from 4000 dpi to 3000 dpi and then back. 
Finally I have upsized 2x, so what you see is DOUBLE PIXEL SIZE. So for real 
comparison: Have a look at 50% in your image editor!
The jpg compression gives a pretty good impression of the effect. 

What really matters to me is that it gives more or less the same quality on a 13"x19" 
print with my Epson 1270. 

This seems to work with extremely fine grain film, i.e. Provia 100F and Velvia. 
And again the effect of the USM is a bit different.


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4000 dpi vs. 3000 dpi.jpg

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