Bravo, Art, and Well Stated, on all points.
Also, it makes me feel better about my *occasional* rants. ;-)

Best regards--LRA

------Original Message------
From: Arthur Entlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Anyway, as a result, we have individuals designing amateur test
results.  They may prove inaccurate, but ..... If nothing else, these web
sites warn consumers that we should take little of the information we
receive at face value.

>I come up against this constantly.  I buy a product.  As I become more
knowledgeable in using it, I recognize a seeming "defect" in it.  If I'm
lucky, I realize this prior to the manufacturer's warranty expiring.  I am
then left trying to determine if the "defect" is just "the nature of the
beast" (hey, what do you expect for a measly "$700"!), my misuse or
misunderstanding of the product (hey, don't buy something you don't know how
to use), a conflict with something else in the set up I am using (hey, it's
not our fault you decided to by that SCSI card, software, video card, CD
writer, etc. which conflicts with our product), a defect that has developed
over time (hey, what do you expect, you got 6 months use out of it before it
broke), etc, etc.
>Yesterday, after weeks of frustration trying to determine what was causing
my 16 bit/channel scanned images to posterize during Photoshop 4.01 levels
adjustment, without success or without much help from the suppliers or the
potential problem components, I loaded a LE version of Photoshop 5 on my
system, and discovered the problem I was encountering disappeared with
Photoshop 5.  This is after several emails with Diamond about their card,
and the drivers, and changing drivers, etc, and
finally Diamond suggesting I upgrade my card.
>Now, I know one answer is to upgrade to Version 5 or 5.5 or 6 of
Photoshop, but ... The Diamond card and Photoshop 4 are both around the same
vintage.  They should work properly together.

(Some Lister said, "There are no known bugs in PhotoShop." Yeah,

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