>Actually that's one of very few things I am religiously opposed to, in my 
>own work. I compose in the camera, that's why I paid for the viewfinder ;)

If you own a Bronica SQ-Ai, as I did until very recently, then you can see
only 94% of what's captured on film using the waist-level finder and it
drops as low as 90% using some of the prisms.  I know all about allowing
for the slide mounts, etc. but as one who also prefers to compose in the
camera, this really grew to bug me over time.  Of course, my Toyo 23G view
camera is guilty of showing me about _more_ on the ground-glass than I can
capture on the film so I have just the opposite problem with it...

Jeff Goggin
Scottsdale, AZ

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