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Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 23:45:17 -0300
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Subject: Re: CMYK vs RGB for publication

        I seem to have stirred up a bit of a hornet's nest here - all 
to the good, I'm sure. Thanks to everyone for their input, and it may 
not stop here.

At 11:37 AM +0100 10/19/00, jeremy spence wrote:
>Its fairly standard practice to provide a proof of some sort for the
>printers. Doing CMYK conversions without having a profile for the 
process is
>just as likely to lead to difficulty as sending RGB files. I think in 
>case what you've got is a Time/Motion/Workflow decision by the 
>that if they can shave a few moments off jobs here and there then 
they'll be
>saving more money than they lose through not providing a full service.

At 11:37 AM +0100 10/19/00, Tony Sleep wrote:
>What they are saying is exactly that : they don't have the software or
>>  system to do it properly, therefore you must do it for them. What 
are you
>>  going to do? Convert in Photoshop? They could of course do the 
same, and
>>  using correct settings for their process which you can only guess 
>  >

At 1:37 PM +1000 10/19/00, Rob Geraghty wrote:
>  Am I on the
>right track in thinking that what is required is a profile for the 
>device before adjusting the colours in CMYK is advisable?

        What I was trying to get at is what Jeremy, Tony, and Rob say 
in the above quotes. Having me, for example, send CMYK files to the 
printer with no idea of the settings required would surely result in 
a "worse print job" as Tony describes it. Do the printers adjust my 
CMYK file which I presume is already "crippled" from my hack 
conversion job from RGB? Providing a proof does seem to be a useful 
step, but I suppose it still takes some trial and error to get a 
        I have seen at least three other publications which require 
CMYK files from authors. If it's so bad, how do these places stay in 
business? From what Tony says, it seems to be an all-too-common 
occurence. Maybe I've answered my own question.

Roger Smith

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