I'm looking for something that will accept 48-bit raw scans I have made
with the SS4000 and do a reasonable job of compressing the tonal range
without muddying the shadows or blowing out the highlights, and
generate 24-bit files my client can look at and decide which images are
really worth looking at more closely.

Lots of the pictures are of architecture and it is important to pump up
the underside of balconies and eaves because that is where much of the
interesting detail is (scroll work on the supports, etc.). But I don't
want the sunlit portions of the buildings to turn completely white.

I could do this by hand, but we're talking about several thousand
pictures, so I really want to automate the initial cut, and then go
back and do by hand only those that (1) need better tuning, and (2) are
worth the effort.

I thought Binuscan might be appropriate for this, but when I went to
their web site I wasn't able to find much content in all the verbiage.
I know several people on this list have used Binuscan and other tools
-- what are your suggestions?


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