Robert writes ...

> Why do you worry? The raw file has no been color adjusted.

The difference beween sRGB and Adobe RGB (or any other
> work space) is not an image mode change, it is a profile,
> a definition.  Data is not lost.

    It would depend on how "Picture window" handles the image data and
defines sRGB.  If it held to the principles of CM and the use of
profiles, then it would "change the data" to put the image in sRGB.
But that principle assumes it was in one color space to begin with
(scanner color space), and was converted (changed) to sRGB.  On the
other hand, Picture Window may have simply assumed sRGB ... assigned
the profile without changing the data.  Do you know how PW works??

shAf  :o)

----- Original Message -----
From: John D. Horton
To: fimscanner
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 7:43 AM
Subject: filmscanners: SS4000>Vuescan>Grafics Program

When I open a raw file scan from Vuescan in my graphics program
(Picture Window--color management disabled) It has a color profile of
sRGB. The crop TIFF file shows the color profile as is entered in
Vuescan. Both files are 48 bit.

For those that have PS, what does the raw scan open in your graphics
>From my understanding sRGB has a smaller color space than say Adobe
RGB. The raw file scan, I have assumed, contains all the colors that
are available in the 48bits. Why then are they  squeezed into sRGB
color space and the crop files into a wider space?

Thank You

John Horton

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