Jerry writes ...

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       shAf [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > ...
> > the profile without changing the data.  Do you know how PW works??
> >
>       [Oostrom, Jerry]  With the Pro version that facilitates CM:
> *     You can specify a scanner profile for TWAIN input,
> *     you can specify an assumed profile for input of a file without
> profile,
> *     you can specify your working space,
> *     printer profile and
> *     monitor profile.
> *     ... if it adheres to all principles of CM. It seems to me it does,
> ...

        It would seem so ... and therefore I'd agree a conversion process
does take place ... that is, when appropriate.

>       B.T.W. Are there any real disadvantages for the web
> if you convert your input tiff with embedded
> color space to an sRGB .jpg slide and leave
> out the sRGB definition for size reduction purposes? I ask
> because that is the solution currently (to be)
> implemented with the newest patch of PWPro3.0
> (patch d). To me it looks OK, but how will it look to
> others on the web?

        NOT embedding the profile in the WWWeb destined JPEG is the common
practice.  However, some might like to have the option for the
presentation of the better quality and larger images (e.g., the
largest image presented at an online photo gallery ... but there is
only one browser which pays attention to the profile ... IE5 for the
Macintosh ... other browsers and the implimentation may follow. ( ...
but why not assume sRGB???, and impliment an assumed color space w/o
any need to embed? ...)

shAf  :o)

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