Well, I gave it a try and could not find this article.  Is the link right?

John Hinkey
Seattle, WA

"Hemingway, David J" wrote:
> Polaroid has found that the load sensor for the film carrier can sometimes
> collect dust that renders the sensor inoperative.  The scanner may run
> continuously. Running continuously can also occur if the scanner is set to
> SCSI ID 7 which is a test position and not a fault.
> Polaroid has made available, free of charge, a cleaning brush kit that
> cleans this sensor. For customers in the US, call 1-800-432-5355 (Mon-Fri,
> 8am to 8pm EST). Ask for a SprintScan 4000 Cleaning Brush Accessory, part
> number CPS 546
> The link below should take you to the article.
> Thanks
> David
> -
> http://www.polaroidwork.com/home/LLframeset.jsp?body=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.polaro
> idwork.com%2Flisting%2FListing.jsp%3FFOLDER%253C%253Efolder_id%3D58263%26FOL
> DER%253C%253EbrowsePath%3D58263%26ASSORTMENT%253C%253East_id%3D58263%26bmUID
> %3D984362506401

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