On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 18:43:55 +0000  Richard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> If I were to take a series of photographs of sculptures around my local town
> and have them printed them up as postcards to sell, would I have to get
> permission from either the sculptor or the governing body who commissioned
> the sculptures in order to do this?

Yes, you must, at least in UK. Artworks are copyright; a photo is regarded as a 
copy of that artwork. The test is whether the photo is an original work in 
its own right, or merely includes a facsimile of the copyright work. In 
practice, if the sculpture is recognisable you are on dangerous ground. Even an 
editorial portrait of a person photographed with part of a painting or 
sculpture in-frame can be regarded as an actionable infringement of copyright.

Commercial use or not doesn't affect this, it just makes it more likely you 
will be sued for damages (= your profits).

You may not scan sculptures either ;-)


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 

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