
I am also a scanwit user (but not a regular mailer to this list) 
I've got mine (a 2720s) almost a year ago and foolishly as I was never
turned it in for service until last weekend, foolish because it had a flaw
in the CCD from the beginning (I mailed some of these problems to this list
before, see archives and you can see a few scans on my homepage, but they
are not as clear as the examples I have sent to this list).

I would have bought the 2740s if it were out then, because I spent a lot of
time removing dust with cloning. I also clean the negatives, but I always
seem able to damage the negs (very slight scratches), regardless of how
careful I am.


Recently I have come up with a problem in several dias that if it would be
cured by ICE would certainly put the 2740s high on my list: black spots all
over the dia like filth-cristals. It was a Fuji Provia 100F film pushed to
400, perhaps it has something to do with it, although most dias were OK?!???
Anyway with perhaps thousand spots that you cannot remove with a dry cloth
on a single dia I don't even consider cloning.
Example (unfortunately not a crop from a high res pic, but a downsampled
version, still you can see spots close to the lioiness face and between her

If ICE would remove these spots, which are likely in the film itself, well
then that is all the more reason to buy the 2740s. It would be nice though
if you would have an ICE'  algorithm (FROSTY?) in which you could specify
which pixel colors should be regarded as dust. Although it would probably
work well on not too dense negatives only and not on dias. 

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 4:44 PM
> Subject:      filmscanners: Acer Scanwit 2720s vs 2740s vs HP s20
> Hi all,
> am new to the filmscanner world, so please bear with the newbie questions.
> I'm considering either the Acer Scanwit 2720s or the 2740s.  My perception
> after reading the specs, is that the 2740s is 2720s+ICE.  Did I miss
> anything?
> Would like opinions/experiences of whether the ICE was worth the price.
> Otherwise, for the 2720s, how much effort did you take to touch up 
> any negative defects (assuming minor blemishes).
> If you have a 2720s, would you (on hindsight) have bought the 
> 2740s?
> The other unit I'm considering is HP's s20, but on features, stacks 
> up with the 2720, and is much more expensive here.
> Thanks
> Lawrence
> -- 
> Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

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