Dave Buyens wrote:

> Art,
>   I am a part time photojournalist.  I hope my comments below encourages
> others to follow your lead.

> Further, I don't need a model release for such publication.  Now, if it were
> for art's sake or for profit--that'd be a different story.  Then, go ahead
> and get the release.  It's also then, that I'd expect a little more
> resistance, though most folks still won't mind.
> Dave

I've never quite understood why publishing an image in a newspaper is 
considered "not for profit"... does the name Randolph Hearst (and 
granddaughter Patti) and Conrad Black not ring any "top income bracket" 
bells? ;-)... Rosebud.

(This is somewhat tongue in cheek, I do understand the concept of 
editorial images)


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