My LS2000 (running on a beige G3 rev 1 desktop system 8.6 384 meg 
ram) has just begun producing unsharp scans. The blurring seems 
mostly to be in the direction of scanning (parallel to the long side) 
& sometimes the scan dissolves from poor image into long (artistic!) 
I am also getting intermittent 'can't focus' error messages.

I'm getting this with Silverfast 4, NikonScan 2 & Vuescan 7 - all 
current versions.

It looks to me like it must be hardware - but most of my 'hardware' 
problems in the past have turned out to really be software - so has 
anyone on the list got any ideas what's happening before I sling the 
box back to Nikon?


David Hoffman
   David Hoffman Photo Library

  phone +44 (0)20 8981 5041 fax  +44 (0)20 8980 2041

  When in danger or in doubt - run in circles, scream & shout.

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