"Tony Sleep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IME film type preferences under discussion here are 90% interactions 
> between scanner and film, and the nice thing about 4000ppi is that an 
> awful lot of the problems seen at ~2700ppi suddenly cease to exist.

Which is useful to know but I for one can't afford to run out and buy a
SS4000 or an LS4000.  I'm stuck with my LS30 for now.  It therefore
makes sense to find the films on the market that give me the best results.
So far the only two I'm really impressed with are Provia 100F and T400CN.
If I am prepared to be less demanding, most slide films give me results
I'm happy with as long as the slides are not too dark or high in contrast.
For consumer print films in specific situations, the Fuji Superia range are
cheap, easily available and give quite good results.

Silver based B&W films do not scan at all well with the LS30; at least
none I've tried do.  A scanner with a more diffuse light source would
probably be better, especially given that ICE doesn't work with such

Tony, I'd be interested to know if your comments about 4000dpi hold
true for the Nikon 4000dpi scanners, because from what you said, the
overheads of spotting scans from a SS4000 can be significant.


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