rafeb wrote:
> At 06:11 AM 7/7/01 -0700, Art Entlich wrote:
> >You know, some people have had problems with Nikon software... a LOT of
> >problems.
> And quite a few have complained about Polaroid's
> scanner software as well.
> >Not having their scanner or need for their software...
> So why add fuel to the fire, Art?
> rafe b.

This is a silly comment, Rafe.  I stated a fact.  If you actually
followed this thread you would know that it evolved from Claudiu's
frustration with the versions of Nikonscan for a variety of reasons.

Ray Amos chimed in with a rather aggressive comment defending "his
software" (Nikonscan) and how Claudiu was somehow lacking in being
critical of the software, and so Ray offered to "set him straight" about

My comment, based upon fact, was that Nikon's scanner software has had a
history of many problems, and that these same problems extended to
several Nikon peripherals their scanners work with.

I am continually amazed how defensive some Nikon owners have been and
continue to be about criticism of Nikon products.  I think this is
called "compensation" in my text books.  Sort of like people who buy hot
sports cars and think women will assume certain of their body parts are
bigger than they really are, as a result. ;-)

What any of this has to do with Polaroid is beyond me.  Not I, nor
anyone else in this particular thread has mentioned anything about
Polaroid, nor was I comparing Nikon's scanner software with any other
brand.  I simply was stating that Claudiu's perception was not at all
uncommon amongst people who have used Nikon scanner software and are
willing to comment about it honestly.


PS: I'm an equal opportunity cynic BTW, I think the whole industry needs
a kick in the butt when it comes to scanner software they include with
their products.  And that fire needs all the fuel added to it that can
be provided.

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