At 02:46 AM 7/9/01 -0700, Art Entlich wrote:


>My comment, based upon fact, was that Nikon's scanner software has had a
>history of many problems, and that these same problems extended to
>several Nikon peripherals their scanners work with.

Oh, poop, Art.  Go to the PhotographyReview web site and 
look at how people complain about scanner software -- both 
Nikon and Polaroid owners.  I'd be hard pressed to tell 
which ones are more upset with their scanner software.

In their defense, Polaroid has had the good sense to bundle 
a decent 3rd-party package with their latest scanners.  And 
in their defense, Nikon seems to have finally done a good 
thing with NS 3.1, which by most accounts is a solid step 

>I am continually amazed how defensive some Nikon owners have been and
>continue to be about criticism of Nikon products.  I think this is
>called "compensation" in my text books.  Sort of like people who buy hot
>sports cars and think women will assume certain of their body parts are
>bigger than they really are, as a result. ;-)

Spare us the pop-psychology, please Art.  The point was 
that you don't even *own* a Nikon scanner, by your own 
admission, but are quick to take sides in an argument 
involving Nikon scanner sotware.  Why not just take 
a breather on this topic?  Give it a rest.

I wasn't defending Nikon software.  I was criticizing 
you for offering an opinion on a controversial topic, 
where your opinion has no basis in direct experience.

>What any of this has to do with Polaroid is beyond me.

By singling out Nikon as a company writing lousy scanner 
software, others might presume that Canon, Minolta, 
Polaroid, Acer, HP, Leaf, Kodak or Brand Z must be doing 
a better job in that department.

rafe b.

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