At 10:41 PM 7/10/01 -0400, Dave King wrote:

>Enjoy.  This and the new Nikon are the first generation of CCD film
>scanners that are capable of results that are essentially "good
>enough" for any conceivable critical use with film up to medium format

I'm not sure I agree there, Dave.

The Leafscan 45 and the Imacons (both CCD) have 
been around for a while.

The two new models (from Polaroid and Nikon) are 
poised, IMHO, somewhere between these two very 
worthy (but dated) standards.

On 35 mm, the Leaf 35 and 45 can probably 
still beat either the Polaroid or Nikon.
Er, that is, if you have an hour or so to wait 
(on the Leaf.)

What *is* quite significant is the price that 
these new models are being offered at -- 
roughly 1/3 to 1/4 of the Leaf's original 
price, or Imacon's current retail price.

rafe b.

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