> For instance, is there a way to zoom into an image in Lasersoft (HDR --
> because that's where I'm doing my editing of hi bit images) other than
> recropping?

You must create a new "frame" or resize the original frame (marching ants).
You seem to have discovered one or other, not sure which as recropping in
LaserSoft terms is master frame resized (not a good idea, unless that's what
you intend scanning). To create a new or second frame you take the mouse to
the top left corner of the preview screen; it should become a cross. Drag
down and right. When it is about the size you need to cover the area of
interest simply drag it over that area. Now go back to the top left and
create a new full size frame. The full size will be used as the scan frame
and the smaller your zoom frame, it can be moved around at will. Zooming is
virtually instantaneous. The "active" frame will be the one that is showing
marching ants, it's the one that will be scanned. To toggle between the zoom
frame and scan frame simply click it edge. Remember marching ants means that
is what gets scanned!!!!!!

BTW if using the Zoom function a lot (and I do) I suggest you set the scan
preview resolution to

 BTW, the Lasersoft window
> does not fill all of the real estate on my desktop, but it apparently won't
> go larger than a certain size.

The preview screen is constrained by film format and free screen space. The
preview screen control panel and densitometer are all able to float or
become ONE. You can also switch the densitometer off and create more space.
It actually goes to bed with the other control panels, so you won't loose
it. Furthermore, there is a small triangle to the left of the zoom button,
pressing it reduces the control panel to a much smaller size with only the
toolbar present (all you need after configuration). On my 19" screen at 1280
by 1024 the preview screen full size goes left edge to right edge when in
horizontal format. The band of spare desktop at the bottom is big enough for
the reduced size control panel. I reckon that's  a pretty big preview.

Lots more to learn and every new day will bring new ways of doing things.
Wait till you get to the Selective colour tool box or even better Expert
mode. After a few months of practice you can sit the Advanced SilverFast
flying test. Pass that and you'll be qualified to fly "Airforce One" :-)



Ian Lyons

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