Art wrote:

>I am very intrigued by the number of people on this list how have color
>deficiency.  ....

I thought the same thing. I've looked at the photos of several of these 
"color deprived" photographers, and it's astoundingly good!! Apparently, 
this "disability" can be an asset. :-)

>I also find it interesting that a very color demanding field
>(Photography with interest in digital scanning) would attract so many
>people who have to deal with color perception disabilities.

The last time I went to an art museum (2-3 weeks ago) I probably should have 
wondered the same thing. I've long suspected that "Critics" have perception 
disabilities, not to mention a certain amount of brain damage and extensive 
external edema of the ego. ;-)

>Maybe if enough people with this condition demand more objective color
>control we'll all benefit from easier to use color management.

>From evidence I've seen, this isn't an unreasonable suggestion. Impractical, 
perhaps. :-)

Bottom line is: Color Perception is slightly different in every living 
being. Painters (somewhat more than photographers) hope that there are 
others with similar perceptions; photographers at least work with 
recognizable subjects, in most cases. But Color *is*'s only 
Objective when you work with computers--and as yet we're not terribly sure 
how "objective" that is! If you say something's "blue," I'm bound to take 
your word for it--if you'll take my word for "red." Better to put it out 
there, IMHO, and let the audience decide. :-)

Just another $.02's worth. ;-)

Best regards--LRA

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