----- Original Message -----
From: "Lynn Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: filmscanners: OT: Color perception (was: IT8 Calibration (was: etc

> Art wrote:
> >I am very intrigued by the number of people on this list how have color
> >deficiency.  ....
> I thought the same thing. I've looked at the photos of several of these
> "color deprived" photographers, and it's astoundingly good!! Apparently,
> this "disability" can be an asset. :-)

As I said earlier my Art O'Level examiner commented "Interesting use of
colour!". Several people have commented on the wonderful colours,
particularly  in my inkjet prints and I say I "I like them" whilst thinking
they look a bit "samey" to me!

Anyway I had a look round the web and found these:

Colour tests



I loaded the charts in the 1st link into PS and played with the saturation
and hue. At between 50-70% on the saturation I can clearly see the
difference. I then tested a neighbour and my daughter and found that my
daughter had a very mild problem in that she had difficulty seeing one
chart - although she did see it. I then tried the different saturations and
hue and found that I can clearly see colour differences where "normal"
people can see none or very little.

Very odd.

Other links:

This link is to a program that allows you to say what colour any point on
your screen is :


even if it is completely different to you!

These give an explanation of the condition - the first is quite technical :






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