In a message dated 9/2/2001 12:28:58 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>  Even with the controllable light source of the Nikon?  I would have guessed
>  that they compensated for that by boosting the LED output, or are they not
>  individually controllable?  Do you know how many LEDs there are, per 
>  and what the organization is?

I think is roughly a point light source in most Nikon scanners, but it
may be a more diffuse array of LED's in the LS-8000 (but not
a linear array of LED's).

>  These are questions.  The CCD is actually three 10k element CCDs.  Do they
>  use one for each color, or scan all three with one color, then switch LED
>  color (there are three sets of LEDs, one R one G, and one you happen
>  to know how they are organized?) and scan three with the next color LED 

I'm not positive how they're organized, but I suspect they're three lines
in a single CCD chip, with a separation of either 8 or 12 pixels
between the lines (this is how most scanners work).

The scanner exposes all three CCD lines with Red, then all three with Green,
all three with Blue, then all three with Infrared.

Ed Hamrick

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